This Affiliate Disclaimer applies to:“website”), (Website), Mavenelle App (Mobile App) and The Ivi Edit (Email) which are all owned and operated by Cici Bex, llc. (“Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). 

These properties may use affiliate links to recommend certain products or services. We disclaim any and all liability as a result of Your purchase through one of these links. We will use reasonable efforts to notify You when and where We have placed affiliate links in addition to this disclaimer.

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End of Disclaimer.

Personal note from I. Brookes: 
"I love sharing things I find and enjoy with others. It's one of my passions. When I discover something great, I can't help but tell clients, friends, family, and my online community. Rest assured, I carefully check out everything I share and genuinely care about it. I'm not just trying to make a quick dollar. It's important to me that my community trusts my suggestions now and long in the future.
If you want more information before buying something, feel free to contact me for a further details about anything I've recommended. "

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